Years Combined Experience


Where Expertise Meets Ambition.

  • At ZEG, we are a powerhouse of electric power grid and markets experts, united by an unyielding commitment to the monumental task of decarbonizing the power grid. Our team is not just a collection of individuals; we are a force that’s reshaping the electricity industry as we know it.
  • Our core ethos revolves around true collaboration, where we forge deep partnerships with industry stakeholders and cater to a clientele that is more sophisticated and discerning than ever before.

Our Services

Our commitment is unwavering—we strive to be the absolute best in delivering our core services and products.


Siting and Sizing

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Identifying optimal locations for energy infrastructure projects considering the regional criteria, power grid and power markets dynamics and determining the appropriate size to maximize performance.


Nodal Market Analytics

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In-depth analysis of energy market dynamics using our benchmarked proprietary models, offering valuable insights to inform strategic decision making and optimize project development.


Interconnection Application

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We guide and support clients through the process of applying for generation and/or large load interconnection, ensuring compliance with applicable requirements while maintaining proven ZEG-level timeliness and quality.


Comprehensive Modeling

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We’re at the forefront of setting standards, methodologies and procedures for complex modeling and analytics of conventional and emerging technologies including grid following and grid inverters for offshore, onshore, FACTs and GETs assets.


SLD, Site Physical Layouts, String Optimization, Energy Yield Estimation

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We optimize solar/BESS project layouts considering terrain, shading, and electrical design. Our services include energy yield estimates, solar irradiance analysis, and shading impacts. We also provide indicative BOM, CapEx, and OpEx estimates.


Technical Due Diligence

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We provide technical due diligence for mergers, acquisitions, and ISO/RTO decisions, including system impact reviews, generation deliverability, cluster studies, shadow impact studies, and cost-allocation assessments.


ISO/RTO Registration, Energization, commissioning

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We handle ISO/RTO registration, including interconnection agreement reviews, electrical studies, technical forms, commissioning tests, data collection, and post-commissioning model validation.


Shadow System Impact Studies

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Conducting shadow system impact studies including load flow, transient stability, and sub-synchronous analysis by mirroring the transmission owner or ISO/RTO study assumptions and methodology.


Reliability and Economic-based Transmission Planning

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Performing transmission planning analyses, accounting for applicable regional criteria and methodology, to identify the likelihood and potential solutions for mitigating grid reliability issues or congested flow gates.


NERC/FERC Compliance

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Technical analyses in support of compliance with various NERC and FERC standards including MOD 25/26/27/32, PRC 005, PRC 019, PRC 024, PRC 025, VAR 002, FAC 002, FAC 008


Electrical Studies

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Reactive Power Study, grid-islanding analysis, energization assessment, harmonic analysis, transient recovery voltage (TRV), Transient Over-Voltage (TOV), Arc-flash studies, Volt/Var optimization.

MISO Heat Map

Our Solution

Introducing REST™, our Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Siting Tool. With custom dashboard options and sensitivity scenarios offered three times per year, REST allows subscribers to tailor their analysies to their specific needs, providing nuanced insights and empowering strategic decision-making.

Latest News

MISO’s recent initiative to integrate grid-forming control technologies into Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) marks a significant shift in modeling standards...

In a recent update from ERCOT, the ERCOT Reliability Monitor (ERM) has completed a comprehensive review following an Incident Review initiated...

During the ERCOT TAC meeting, held recently, several pivotal updates and decisions shaped the agenda. The session commenced with the customary...

During the ERCOT Reliability and Markets Committee Meeting held on June 17, 2024, critical deliberations and decisions shaped the day’s proceedings....

The meeting commenced with an antitrust admonition from Robert Golen, stressing compliance. Robert Golen then provided miscellaneous updates relevant to the...

PJM has reached a significant milestone in its interconnection process reform by completing Phase 1 System Impact Studies for 306 active...

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